Chapter 1901: The Primary Devil

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en« class="no-js]]<a style="text-decoration: none; color: #fff« class="navbar-brand« href="/]]<ul class="nav navbar-nav nav-public]]</li><li class="dropdown]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]<ul class="dropdown-menu]]</li><li>/account/login</li></ul><ul class="nav navbar-nav nav-private navbar-right]]</li><li style="display: inline-block]]<a id="dark-btn« href="javascript:« class="darkmode-btn nav-icon]]</li></ul></nav><script id="remove-wuxiaworld_ATF1-HFuruFtJ« type="text/javascript]] Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you! For this holiday season, and to celebrate the 6th anniversary of Wuxiaworld's founding in Dec 2014, we have a very special new release for you guys -, a series that I've personally been following the raws for ever since the series was first published on Zongheng! It is almost like the perfect mixture of early (minus the edgelord stuff) and I'm Really A Superstar (for OG Gravity readers).

If I had to describe Keyboard Immortal…

                                      </noscript>[[/announcement/merry-xmas-keyboard-immortal-live-ww-anniversary]]<button id="announcement-close-117706« type="button« class="close pull-right« data-target="#announcement-body-117706« data-dismiss="alert]], a series that I've personally been following the raws for ever since the series was first published on Zongheng! It is almost like the perfect mixture of early [[]] (minus the edgelord stuff) and I'm Really A Superstar (for OG Gravity readers).

If I had to describe Keyboard Immortal…


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